Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Time...

Thanksgiving has been yet another memorable time. Besides eating 3 giant meals in one day our family laughs enough to burn all the calories we intake. This year the big topic was my cousin Hope's speeding ticket. It started off kinda sad she had gotten lost in Charlotte on her way home... (she's not a fan of being alone especially at night) and she finally finds her way to I-85 and starts her journey home... driving a bit fast. She gets pulled over going 89 in a 65. My Uncle Scott is the comedian of the family and always has something to make us laugh. SO he over hears us talking about Hope's speeding ticket and preceeds to question her about speeding. She's telling us how she was already crying from being lost and the cop had made her even more upset and then goes on to say... "well, i didn't want to tell you this part but i pulled over on the left side of the highway and the cop got out of his car and made me go over to the right side." My uncle thinks this is funny. He's giving her a hard time about pulling over on the side where there is cars driving very fast by her on BOTH sides. She then goes on to say that it had rained and the roads were wet so the cop gave her a reckless driving ticket and how she had to do the defensive driving class online. I get upset at this point because i had to do the class in a classroom and waste a perfectly good Saturday morning of sleep. My uncle then proceeds to say..." Kelly, are you kidding, they don't want her out driving to any class the only keys they wanted her to have was a keyboard." hahah... we also have my Aunt, also named Kelly, telling us about how Tripper, her son, was driving her car and hit a deer and it messed up her car and that was on a Saturday night. She takes it upon herself to go and tape the deer hair that was left on her car down so that it doesn't blow away between then and the next Monday morning so her insurance agent could actually see the deer hair and believe her that a deer was hit.

My family is great and these are the "normal" ones. We call our extended family the Clampets. The Clampets are planning a Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner together in two weeks. My Aunt Kelly has decided this should be called "Thanksmas" and has a really hard time saying it because she is laughing so hard!!

I am thankful for my family!